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Universal - Full Multi-Purpose Android App

Content Providers :
    Show of your Wordpress blog! With built-in support for categories. Shown in beautiful media enhanced layouts. 

    Show your users any Playlist or Channel. You can even play videos within the application. 

    Show a Facebook page its posts directly inside your app. Complete with support for media, comments and more. 

    Show Instagram posts, from any user, inside your app. Including comments and likes count. 

    We have created an amazing RSS feed parser, that will support millions of feeds. With support for thumbnails and audio/video podcasts. 

    Play SoundCloud tracks within your app. With build-in player with queu/playlist, notification controls & track downloader. 

    Visual Radio
    Create the most amazing radio experience with our music visualization. Now compatible with Shoutcast & Icecast (m3u, asx, pls, aac, mp3 and more). With automatic album art based on metadata. 

    Show a user’s @timeline, a #hastag or even recent search results. Now with support for embedded media. 

    Show latest Tumblr Images in GridView and swipeable pager. Easily set as wallpaper, save to device and share. 

    Want to show your users a location? Or a whole bunch of locations? Easily set a pin on the map or get the locations using the Google Places API. 

    Video Stream
    Want to show your users a live stream, a TV channel or a movie from within your app? Supports hls,rtsp streams and the default streams supported by Android out of the box. 

    Show any webpage or site inside your app. You can even perform actions (like calling and installing apps) and download files from the WebView. Besides that it features intuitive ActionBar based navigation & HTML 5 Video support.
Features :
  • Unlimited Items – You can use & combine as many Timelines, Blogs, Feeds, Channels, Playlists, Stations, Webpages, etc as you want. Optionally add icons, create sections and highlight.
  • Material Design – Complete Material Design, with animated Drawer Icon, Ripple’s and Card layouts. Completely customizable in every color. With subtile animations like parallax headers and fading toolbars.
  • Tablet UI – A dedicated two plane layout on tablets and an immersive detailview for reading articles and viewing content without distractions.
  • Notifications – Inform your users about the latest content using a RSS feed only!
  • In-App purchase – Let your users remove ads or unlock extra content within your app by making an in app purchase.*
  • Offline & Favorites – Save Articles and posts from Wordpress and RSS offline. Web pages & Youtube videos can be submitted as favorite items. Tumblr Images can be saved to local storage.
  • Customizable – Easily make your app yours by translations and by customizing colors & using your own icons for menu items. You can also choose between multiple styles for your Navigation drawer, for example by setting a header image.
  • Admob – With build in Admob, it takes only a few seconds to add banner advertisements throughout your app.
  • Google Places – Want to show your users the nearest ATMs? You can now show users any location nearby using the powerful Places API .
  • Comments – Show comments to posts, videos and articles from Youtube, Facebook, Wordpress & Instagram within your app.
  • NativeWeb Technology™ – Never before has the web content been this beautiful. We inject custom CSS to HTML based descriptions of RSS and Wordpress descriptions to optimize the page for the device’s screen and create an unified look.
  • Youtube & Wordpress Search – Let users search your blog and youtube channel.
  • Social – Let your users share content and promote your app at the same time.
  • Custom Actions – Easily make an intent to another app, or open a url from the menu.
  • In-App Videoplayer – Let users play youtube videos without even having to leave your application!
  • In-App Media Viewer – View (embedded) images, videos and audio from content in your app, fullscreen.
  • Connection Manager – Redirect users to offline content when no internet connection. Error handling is also integrated.
  • Disqus – Support for interactive Disqus comments for Wordpress.
  • About & App rate – Display about dialog with HTML markup & Let users rate your app from settings.
  • Language support – Easily translatable from within a single file. Also supporting RTL languages and layouts.
  • Royal Documentation – Instructions for first app (installing java, sdk etc). Step by step importing and customizing of the template.
  • Video Tutorials – Instruction video’s for setting up the SDK and Android Studio, opening the appropriate files, changing your package name and exporting your app.

Compatibility :

Compatible with the most popular RSS XML sources & formats. Works with Youtube Channels & Playlists. Works with Wordpress.com blogs or blogs with the Jetpack API installed. Works with self-hosted Wordpress sites with the JSON API. While most Wordpress themes and plugins should be compatible with our plugin, we can not guarantee full 3rd party plugin and theme support. Related posts in Wordpress require post tags. Arabic and Hebrew support for Android 4.2 and up. Your download includes a version for Eclipse (classic) and Android Studio (recommended). Please keep in mind that the compatibility and features of Universal for Android may be different from Universal for IOS.


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