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Android Basic Ebook

App Description :

A. What is this ?
Android Basic eBook is a basic application implements minimum functionality for ebook publishing and ebook reader. This application contains ebook listing, download system and ebook viewer, but doesn’t include payment system. It’s only for free ebook publishing.
B. How it works ?
  1. User (this Android application) send request over http to retrieve all available book in the server (Android Basic eBook web application).
  2. Web application send JSON format response to Android application, this JSON response contains list of books available to download.
  3. User would select item of that list to download the file (.pdf);
  4. Application create http request with given url to process download mechanism.
  5. After download finished, all books that have been downloaded will be displayed and ready to read by click on of items in list.

C. Features :
  1. Flat design and easy to apply various color scheme.
  2. Easy to customize layout and functionality.
  3. Support by well documented web application as REST service.
  4. Support .pdf, .ebz, .xps file
  5. Open source pdf reader
  6. Support Android 2.2 up
  7. Support small,medium and large screen devices
D. Screenshot in Sony Experia J (medium screen) :

Screenshot in Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 (large screen) :

Open Source Apps


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